Get ready for cycling 2.0 – secure, digital ownership of your bike
We register your bike and turn it into an NFT: the digital version of your physical bike.
Your name and frame number are locked into your NFT. You see them in your account. Ready to show in dire situations like theft, loss or impound – which on average happens to every bike owner.
Your digital bike comes as a cool holographic card. It’s connected directly to your bike and reflects its ownership, price, condition and features. View, share with friends and track any historic changes.
You become a member of two communities that breathe cycling: BikeFair and Bike Index. A place for showing, talking and trading bikes – even helping others tracking them in case of theft.
Your bike enters the digital world, registered as an NFT on the blockchain. Anyone can look up the registration, but only you can make changes or view personal details. For tech-lovers: check out "Coming soon"!
Trade & transfers, made easy: buy or sell your bike with a single click. The NFT will automatically pass on to the new owner.
Your frame number is registered in a digital database, accessible worldwide. Very useful in case of theft, loss or impound to prove ownership with police, insurance or municipalities. ...No more realising your second-hand bike wasn’t registered to you or struggling to find receipts showing the frame number!
Membership: become a member of two socially engaged communities, BikeFair and Bike Index. We speak all words that start with bike. Our communities aim to combat theft through preventing and retrieving stolen bikes.
Simply find a bike for yourself that you like. All bikes listed on BikeFair are entitled to have an NFT certificate issued once they’re sold. The first 5.000 bikes get the NFT for free, so no extra cost during the purchase.
As soon as the change in ownership of the bike is confirmed, BikeFair issues your NFT certificate automatically. The moment when we register the change of ownership differs: in case of purchase with delivery it is automatic, if you pick the bike up in person it happens after you confirm the handover.
Once you have provided your details and confirmed the purchase, we issue the NFT card automatically and register it in your name.
An NFT (non fungible token) is a registration on the blockchain. This is a database that allows digital ownership to be verified. Think of it as a public bike rack, where your bike is chained with an utra-secure lock. The registration is visible to anyone, but belongs to no one. Everyone can look it up, but only you can change or transfer it (via BikeFair). The Verge published a good article on what makes NFT's so special, if you're more curious.
Having a digital bike has unique advantages. You can prove your ownership anytime, anywhere. You can trade and transfer ownership yourself. The NFT makes it ultra-secure. And as a bonus: it allows for high-tech connections to videogames, smartbikes and virtual worlds (the metaverse).
Traditional marketplaces don’t check second hand bikes for theft and don’t register them in your name. You can't prove it's yours. With BikeFair, every bike is checked and registered – so you can prove your ownership in case of theft, loss or impound.
Use it when you need to prove your ownership after theft, loss or impound. Trade it. Connect with the cycling community worldwide. In the future, the NFT will be a one-on-one digital version of your bike to be connected to smartbikes and used in games or virtual worlds (metaverse), while holding all of its historic data - such as transactions, rides, repairs and races.
Our mission is to empower every single person on the planet to trade, own and love a bicycle by removing all barriers. And that includes the digital ones. Our team is able to create advanced NFT’s and store them at low cost, so we don’t mind offering this for free for the sake of the community. If you want to give back, simply use BikeFair to buy or sell your bike!
If you sell your bike on BikeFair, proof of ownership is transferred to the buyer. Sold it elsewhere? The buyer can claim the ownership with your approval via
Currently, only BikeFair can make changes to your bike’s blockchain record. We are looking for strong industry partners who will help us build a transparent API and take this project to the next level, though - that includes manufacturers, insurance companies, state institutions, and all other stakeholders, with you as the owner always in the centre thanks to the blockchain’s transparency.
Currently it is only possible to get an NFT card by buying a bike on BikeFair. In the future, the blockchain registration and NFT issuance may be opened to add your registrations without the need to sell the bike. We cannot make any specific promises yet, though.
No, your personal details are not recorded in the blockchain ledger. You are free to share the bike’s card and the general information, and anyone can look it up, but your personal information stays off of it.
There is no technical difference but the design of the card. The special editions will be issued in a limited number and assigned randomly.